I wish I am sitting here writing about my Valentine's Day look but instead I am writing about how I do not have one prepared! Believe me, I am quite upset about it as Valentine's Day is one of the most anticipated occasions for me each year. I love nothing more than being able to create the girliest outfits and wear the tackiest shade of pink. Since I am only able to take photos on the weekend, the rain which lasted for 5 days straight this past week completely ruined my plans. I had the most perfect outfit dreamed up to post today but chances are you will never see it now. It is very unlikely that I will photograph it at this point. Valentine's Day is over and I am no longer in the mood. Since I am feeling moody, I leave you with a photo of me shot a few weeks ago during my stay in Big Sur. It is far from what I am accustomed to and I wasn't sure if I would post it. Today, however, I find it quite fitting and it goes with my current state of mind.
PS. I, however, have been posting tons of sweet and cutesy things over on my
instagram if you need your Valentine's Day fix!
I love this photo!