Crepes Craving

November 13, 2013

It has been a long time since I've done a food post, so here it is! Lately I can't stop making crepes for breakfast. It is so easy, delicious, and pretty to look at! You can also use whatever fruits you want but my favorites are strawberries and raspberries.

What you need:
1 cup of Bisquick
3/4 cup of milk
2 eggs
Whipped cream

In a large bowl, mix together the Bisquick, milk and eggs until smooth. Heat a pan over medium high heat, add butter, pour about 1/4 cup of batter into the pan and tilt to spread it evenly to cover the pan. Cook until firm and slightly golden, flip the crepe over and while the other side is browning, spread nutella and add raspberries (or your choice of fruits). Fold it in half and put it on a plate. Add some whipped cream and throw a couple of pieces of raspberries on top to make it pretty! Yum!



  1. I love that mug with cow prints :P thanks for this
    DELICIOUS recipe share! Xx

  2. *drooling* Good Lord! ahah Crepes and pancakes make the world a better place - and my stomach too. Also love them with gingery apple and cinnamon with a hint of lemon and sugar. AHHHH!!!


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